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Sunday Services
(405) 755-2227
Worship With Us From Anywhere
Senior Pastor
Pastor, Crossings Online
What to Expect
Connect with a community and deepen your faith through worship and practical biblical truths with Crossings Online.
Sunday services feature the same message, but you can choose between a variety of times and worship styles. Each service is hosted by Crossings staff and volunteers.
The Gathering OKC for young adults in their 20s and 30s is available on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Night classes for all ages are available on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.
Music and media just for kids is available any time at
Crossings Online
Crossings Community Church values the worship experience. We understand that there are many style sand preferences of worship music. That's why we offer three totally different experiences at Crossings OKC every Sunday morning. Preview the two different worship experiences, here, on this page, before selecting your Live Stream service.
9:30AM, 11AM, & 12:30PM
An authentic, inviting, and modern worship experience
Features a praise team, 200+ voice choir, full orchestra, and a variety of music styles.
Watch Now
In addition to Sunday services, Crossings has a variety of online resources and live streamed events and a library of all messages and teaching series.
Content from Crossings pastors and teaching teams available on your phone, desktop, and tv apps. Resources include new podcasts, teaching series, Bible studies, sermon series, and more.
Listen Online
Worship wherever you are with the latest music from the Sanctuary, Venue, Chapel, and Kids worship teams.
Experience Sunday & Wednesday messages, dance songs, and worship music just for kids.
Tuesdays @ 7PM
Crossings offers a variety of Bible studies and classes to help you grow in your faith and better understand and experience God’s desire for your life. Throughout the week, we encourage you to be part of Wednesday Night activities and Bible studies including Centered, Alpha, and others happening at one of our locations.
Adults | Crossings Online
Alpha is for anyone who is curious about the Christian faith. It’s a friendly, open, and very informal environment where anyone can explore the meaning of life and Christian faith. No question is out of bounds. No pressure. No follow up. No charge.
Centered explores the possibilities of a life centered on Christ through personal reading and reflection, weekly group conversations, worship, and celebration guided by a Bible-based discipleship curriculum. New sessions begin in January and August each year.
Online | Crossings Online
As followers of Christ, we are called to love, encourage, support, pray, and care for one another. There are a number of ways we strive to do these things.
If you would like to connect with our Online Location Pastor, Megan King, for prayer or for more information about Crossings Online, please complete this form and we will connect with you soon.
Wednesday Nights
Romans is the most accurate and detailed explanation of the Gospel in the Bible.
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Investing in others allows us to share God’s love by following Jesus’ example of serving, demonstrates our faith, and serves the needs of God’s people.
Serving Our Church
Even as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20:28
Serving Our Community
The Family Advocacy Ministry exists to meet the needs of individuals and families in our community. This network of local partnerships, support gatherings, and educational forums, provides hope for the orphaned and marginalized child or family for restoration with Christ’s love offered by a caring church community.
Help our guests feel loved and welcomed during holiday and other special event services.